Поздравляю Кайсу и всех ее болельщиков с первым подиумом в сезоне!!! Так держать!!!
1-й этап КМ, Эстерсунд, Спринт, 7,5 км
1. Тура Бергер (0+0) 21:21,5
2. Ольга Медведцева (0+0) +6,8
3. Кайса Макаряйнен (0+0) +10,0
Russian Fan-Forum of Kaisa Mäkäräinen |
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Вы здесь » Russian Fan-Forum of Kaisa Mäkäräinen » Kaisa Mäkäräinen » Сезон 2009-2010
Поздравляю Кайсу и всех ее болельщиков с первым подиумом в сезоне!!! Так держать!!!
1-й этап КМ, Эстерсунд, Спринт, 7,5 км
1. Тура Бергер (0+0) 21:21,5
2. Ольга Медведцева (0+0) +6,8
3. Кайса Макаряйнен (0+0) +10,0
Кайса молодчина!!! Надеюсь в этом сезоне она закрепится в топ-10.
Кубок мира 1, Эстерсунд, Швеция
15 MÄKÄRÄINEN Kaisa 1+1+1+0 5:19.7 +2:18.3
Кубок мира 2, Хохфильцен, Австрия
15 MÄKÄRÄINEN Kaisa 1+0 24:42.9 +1:32.1
22 MÄKÄRÄINEN Kaisa 0+0+2+2 36:48.2 +2:39.1
Кубок мира 3, Поклюка, Словения
60 MÄKÄRÄINEN Kaisa 1+1+1+3 49:19.0 +6:14.9
9 MÄKÄRÄINEN Kaisa 1+1 26:35.0 +1:38.0
12 MÄKÄRÄINEN Kaisa 1+0+0+3 36:44.4 +2:41.2
Кубок мира 4, Оберхоф, Германия
20 MÄKÄRÄINEN Kaisa 3+1 23:47.7 +1:32.6
Масс старт
20 MÄKÄRÄINEN Kaisa 1+1+3+2 43:55.7 +3:02.1
Отредактировано Tanis (2010-01-10 18:01:19)
сегодня День Рождения у нашей спортсменки, комсомолки и просто красавицы!)
Hyvää syntymäpäivää Kaisa! Успехов в нынешнем сезоне!
спортсменки, комсомолки и просто красавицы!)
Это точно! С Днём Рождения нашу Кайсу!!
Почаще бы видеть её на подиуме!
Кубок мира 5, Рупольдинг, Германия
11 MÄKÄRÄINEN Kaisa 2+0 24:56.7 +1:07.1
Масс старт
11 MÄKÄRÄINEN Kaisa 1+1+0+1 42:20.5 +1:21.8
с приветом из Ванкувера:)
2nd February, Canmore, Canada
Greetings from Canada all my dear fans and friends who may visit here. I have been lazy with my English diary in this winter, but I have had many things to do… But I decided to practise my English now when we will stay almoust a month here in Canada, so it’s natural to write in English.
My trip to Olympics started last Sunday evening when I left home Joensuu with two bags, skied and rifle. First night (or actually few hours what I slept) I spent in Helsinki and met a Swedish biathlon fan in airport bus. That was funny! His favourite is (or was?) of course Helena, but now he got a good reason to cheer for me too! From Helsinki we (me, Timo Antila, our couches Sanna-Leena and Jonne, fysio Jukka and waxmen Pelle and Esa) had flight to Frankfurt and then to Calgary. We were really lucky to get all our luggages, rifles and skies and waxes to the destination. Little bit paper work in airport because of rifles and then we were ready to drive about 100km to here Canmore. Mari and Paavo will join our team next week in Whistler. So we got four athletes to Olympics finally.
This is my first time in Canada (and I have not been in USA neither), so it’s quite exciting! I think it is only a good thing to have new places and new things around right now. It will keep my mind glad and clear! I won’t get bored so easily then.
Today we were already training a bit. Have to start easily after long travelling and time difference. I woke up many times last night and finally woke up before 6 am..
Today’s mornings breakfast was something unbelivable. I have not met anything like that before. Really american, I would say. And the same line continued with lunch. Now I really can understand why americans can be so fat… (The Finns are not so much better with this thing, but at least we have a much more healty breakfasts!)
We’ll see what this week here in Canmore brings to me, at least beginning feels good. And at the moment I’m quite sure I’ll race on Friday in World Cup even though the 5km course was maybe the hardest that I have ever skied.. Wow.
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Вы здесь » Russian Fan-Forum of Kaisa Mäkäräinen » Kaisa Mäkäräinen » Сезон 2009-2010